Turkey Feather Dress

Turkey Feathers, Stretch Fabric
Found Red Scarf

This dress was created after I visited a local organic turkey farm.  I collected the feathers from the farm and cleaned them.  I then used them to compose a dress.  This piece is a reflection of the beauty that can be found when you open your eyes.  It was my response to learning about the mistreatment of these animals in so many places.  I chose to focus on the beauty rather than the ugliness.



Reusable Shopping Bag (With Star)

Recycled fabric, natural dye (blackberries)

This bag was created in order to offer one solution to the consumption of plastic bags.  The bag is completely collapsible, easy to be transported to the store or anywhere you might need it.  I began experimenting here with natural dyes as well.

Landscape Abstracted

Cotton, Shibori Dyes, Quilt Batting

This wall hanging was my first attempt at quilting,  I used various Shibori dye techniques to capture the various layers of pattern and texture found in natural landscapes.